D2.1 Tracking Scientific, Technology and Business Trends (Version 1) (M3)

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The objective of deliverable D2.1 is to track scientific, technology and business trends in the area of Fog and Cloud computing that are relevant to the mF2C project. This deliverable gives a generic overview of all these trends of which awareness is necessary for this project, and for the proposed area of research at large. Each chapter ends with a “key takeaways” section summarizing the main points of focus, helping us to understand where to prioritize during the project. This is the initial version of the deliverable (v1) which is aligned to iteration 1 (IT-1) of the project. A second version is due in M22 which is aligned to iteration 2 (IT-2). A final version is then due in M34 which will include global reporting on technology, business models and scientific trends.