mF2C sixth Project Review meeting in Abingdon

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mF2C organized its sixth general review meeting in Abingdon, near Oxford (UK) on September 25-26th 2018. The meeting was organized by STFC/UKRI, hosted in the nice Cosener’s House, and chaired by UPC and ATOS.

The agenda was mainly focused on discussing lessons learned from the M18 Review Meeting in Brussels and related action plan, then start planning the second iteration of the project, so the evolution of the architecture, refinement on system modules and workflows, roadmap for upcoming deliverables.

Then a session dedicated to security has been done, listing the improvements to be included, the proposed use of blockchain to improve the overall security of the system, the expected vulnerability tests that are to be planned for the next year.

The integration session followed and has been focused on refinement of supporting processes for agile test and deployment of software components to be used in IT-2.

For each of the three Use Cases an in-deep evaluation of new features to be implemented in IT-2, the related roadmap and dependencies from system components, and final deployment plan.

A session has been spent on evaluating upcoming deliverables to be produced in M24, then a session on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardization has been spent examining current status and actions plan. In particular a workshop has been organized, to be held next november with the support of IESE Business School for the finalization of the Joint Exploitation Plan.

Finally a technical wrap-up and management session cloed the fruitful meeting.

The next meeting is expected to be held in Cagliari at Engineering premises by end of March 2019