D4.4 Design of the mF2C Platform Manager block components and microagents (IT-2)

Reading Time: 1


This document, developed by the mF2C project, describes the final design of the mF2C Platform Manager, interfaces, and microagents.
The main focus of this document is the design of the Platform Manager components in order to support the mF2C architecture and functionalities planned for the second iteration phase of the project (IT-2). The design pays special attention to the intra- and inter-agents interactions between components, both in the Platform Manager (PM) and the Agent Controller (AC), in order to facilitate the integration phase.
The outcome of this document is a detailed design of the Platform Manager components, described by means of a set of sequence diagrams that extend or update those defined for IT-1 in order to include the additional functionalities planned for IT-2. The document also provides a final IT-2 design for the interfaces and microagents in mF2C.