AIOTI Workshop in Brussels on Open Marketplaces to spur innovative energy services

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Digital technologies have proven instrumental in enabling innovations across all sectors of the economy. As emphasised by the alliance AIOTI ( the combination of open Internet of Things and Blockchains with new data-driven business models will create opportunities for data marketplaces.

A workshop on Open Marketplaces to spur innovative energy services was held in Brussels on 22 October 2018, co-organised by the European Commission (DG Connect and DG Energy), AIOTI and ENTSO-E, with the aim of tackling opportunities through smart energy services based on the Internet of Things (IoT) for connected appliances, smart mobility, peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading and smart utilities.

The event expands from a European Commission seminar on internet of things (IoT) and blockchain technologies for home and energy services’, which was held in March 2018, and puts blockchain technologies into a broader application context related to the energy domain. It is part of a series of IoT events related to data marketplaces.

ATOS and Engineering partecipated in the workshop, Massimo Bertoncini (ENG) had the speech “DLTs and Smart Contracts to increase smart grid flexibility”.

More information on the event and list of presentations at the following link